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The Stoltman Brothers Withdrawn Until 2023

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Our two favorite brothers won't be competing until 2023! While nearing the end of 2022, both Stoltman Brothers have decided to focus on family, recovery, and the Stoltman brand for the rest of the year. This is met with mixed feelings from fans, as some deem it ridiculous to give up on the winnings and recognition that comes with these competitions, while others understand and even applaud it.


Luke and Tom feel that they are not currently up to par with the other athletes that will be competing. They explain their feelings and position on the matter in detail on their YouTube channel "Stoltman Brothers". In the video, they mentioned that they don't feel comfortable competing at these high-level competitions when they know that they won't be competing for a top position. Instead, they would rather leave their place in the competition for someone else, to allow them to grow and hopefully challenge for that top position.


This announcement didn't come as a huge surprise, but it definitely is a difficult one to be completely happy with. Tom and Luke have been speaking for a short time about taking a break from strongman, for a myriad of reasons. Tom even made a video himself detailing how he often needs time in his daily life that is not dedicated to Strongman. He explained that most of his waking hours are spent training and eating, all to be the best Strongman that he can be and how that can be stressful. Luke, on the other hand, has been dealing with shoulder injuries for a good part of the year. Not to mention, he is approaching the twilight of his career, and injuries going unchecked could end his career for good.


The people who are in opposition to this decision feel that this is a horrible time to take off of competitions. Tom has just won the World's Strongest Man and the competitions that are coming up could provide a huge amount of recognition and money for the Stoltmans and their brand. They have withdrawn from the Arnold's UK, World Tour Finals, Rogue Invitational, and North America vs UK. The World Tour Finals is in Glasgow, Scotland for the 2nd year in a row. Seeing as this is one of the few competitions near their hometown, many fans have bought tickets only because Tom and Luke would be there. The Rogue Invitational is offering the highest amount of prize money that the sport has ever seen (currently at $112K)! Tom and Luke placed 2nd and 8th, respectively. At the current prize purse, they are losing out on about $62K for not competing. 


You can rest in the fact that Luke and Tom are hoping to make it to every one of these competitions. They will be there for meet and greets with fans, so you will still be able to meet them.


Though I am sad that we won't be seeing the Stoltmans until 2023, I can understand and empathize with the way they must be feeling. This isn't a decision they came to quickly, and they know the recognition and money that they are losing out on. They are grown men with families who has to put their families and themselves first. We, as fans, have to remember that it is not our place to tell anyone what decisions to make. You are not in their situation, so how can you know what is best for them? There are a multitude of things in the background that we do not see, and we have no way of knowing what is going on in their minds.


My final thoughts on the subject are that this break is only for 3 months. That time will be spent recovering, training, and preparing for all of the shows that 2023 has to offer. I would rather see Tom and Luke competing both at 100% every few months than at 70% each week. True fans stand beside the Stoltman Brothers and the decisions they make. True fans will prop them up and encourage them to be the best they can be. I will stand beside the Stoltman Brothers. I will prop them up and encourage them to be the best they can be.

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