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YouTube Channels for Strongman Info and Predictions

Big Loz Official Youtube.PNG

Laurence Shahlaei (Big/Uncle Loz), former strongman athlete, and his wife Liz (Auntie Liz) bring you in depth info and predictions for every competition, as well as weekly Q&As about the sport of Strongman

Lalas Brothers Youtube.PNG

Vytautas, Marius, and Mantas Lalas makes weekly videos sharing their opinions and predictions on Strongman Athletes, Competitions, and Records.

Matt Rhodes Sport Youtube.PNG

Matt Rhodes gives his opinions and predictions on upcoming competitions and athletes. He also has a variety of athlete interviews for both Strongman and Arm Wrestling.

World's Strongest Man Youtube.PNG

They post full videos of the World's Strongest Man Competitions, as well as athlete profiles and extras.

Giants Live Youtube.PNG

They post full clips from the Giants Live Competitions, as well as athlete profiles and podcasts.

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