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Black Grunge

2022 Giants Live World Tour

October 8, 2022

Known for their failed music careers, raunchy comments, and amazingly well put together shows, Colin Bryce and Darren Sadler are at it again for what will be their 6th show this year. Located in Glasgow, 12 men will go head-to-head in 5 punishing events to see who is the strongest and most capable on the day. The Giants Live team have not only selected events that will test the strength of these men, but the events will also test their will and technique. Strength is not all encompassing when it comes to this sport. It also requires that the athletes keep an open mind and to learn from the athletes that came before. This truth was evident at 2022's Europe's Strongest Man. Oleksii Novikov won the Carry & Drag event simply by gripping the anchor in a way that set him up for the drag. That decisive act allowed him to win the event by sheer milliseconds. Come October 8, 2022, the man who will be standing atop the highest platform will no doubt be the strongest, most decisive, and efficient athlete.


Dumbbell Press

A test of strength and efficiency of movement, the dumbbell press is a feat like no other. The implement itself maximizes awkwardness with its shape a coke can grip. The athletes will force out as many reps as possible in 75 seconds. 


Weights: 220lbs (100kg)


World Record: Oleksii Novikov 11 reps

Nicol Stone Carry

In his attempt to recreate the historic Dinnie Stones, Brett Nicol fashioned these beautiful and painful stones. Each with thin, circular iron grips, athletes will have to suffer for as long as they can hold on and move with these stones. Each man will pick up and move down the track with the differently weighted stones while enduring the iron grips cutting into their hands and stones scraping across their legs.


Weights: 114kg 138kg in other hand


World Record: Kevin Faires 22.2 meters

Axle Deadlift

True weight and no give whatsoever from the start, this axle deadlift is an impressive and difficult test of back and leg strength. Like the dumbbell, this event doesn't allow any room for play. Athletes will go head-to-head for as many reps as possible in 60 seconds.


Weight: 794lbs (360kg)


World Record: Martins Licis 8 reps

Dumbbell Press Giants Live.PNG
Nicol Stone Carry Giants Live.PNG
Axle Deadlift Giants Live.PNG

Carry and Drag

Same as what we saw at the 2022 Europe's Strongest Man, this will be a test of speed, strength and endurance. Each athlete will pick up the anchor and carry it 20 meters to the chain. Once they have made it, they must hook the anchor to the chain and drag both implements another 20 meters across the finish line. 


Weights: 120kg anchor, 350kg chain

Carry and Drag Giants Live.PNG

Power Stairs

An old event that is coming back into popularity, the power stairs are a grueling way to end this competition. With multiple events using these same muscles, each of the athletes will be in pain hoping to just finish. The athletes will lift each of the 4 implements up 3 tall stair steps as quickly as possible. 


Weights: 441lbs (200kg), 463lbs (210kg), 496lbs (225kg), 551lbs (250kg)

Power Stairs Giants Live.PNG
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